Report on Operational Guidelines to Implement the Competition Promotion and Market Protection Act
In early 2012, SAWTEE conducted an in-depth assessment of the issues surrounding competition in Nepal to recommend appropriate enforcement regulation guidelines to the Ministry of Commerce and Supplies (MoCS), Government of Nepal to implement the Competition Promotion and Market Protection Act (CPMP). SAWTEE worked in close collaboration with the Department of Commerce to produce a report on the operational guidelines for implementation of the CPMP. In that course, SAWTEE carried out the following activities: extensive review of existing literatures relating to competition law; in-depth interviews and discussions with the business community, consumer groups, lawyers, judges, academic community and other stakeholders; study and discussions on the Competition Act and Rules; organization of consultation meetings and public-private dialogues with competition experts, government officials, private sector stakeholders and consumer organizations; and preparation of the guidelines. The project was undertaken by SAWTEE as part of the Nepal Economic, Agriculture and Trade (NEAT) Activity implemented by Chemonics International and supported by USAID.