Strengthening the role of SAARC in the Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in South Asia
SAWTEE implemented the project Strengthening the role of SAARC in the sustainable intensification of agriculture in South Asia with the support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The objective of the project was to strengthen the cooperation among SAARC member countries in support of sustainable intensification of agriculture with a particular focus on poor smallholder farmers. The expected primary outcome of the project was to strengthen the institutional ability of the SAARC Secretariat to coordinate and facilitate cooperative efforts of SAARC member countries in promoting sustainable intensification of agriculture in South Asia. The project was implemented from May 2016 to March 2017. A report was produced under this project which identified two thematic areas for long-term cooperation between IFAD, SAARC and relevant stakeholders on sustainable intensification of agriculture in South Asia. The thematic areas are water management and land and soil management. A draft SAARC Partnership Action Plan on Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture (2017-2025) was also formulated and discussed during the regional validation meeting held in Kathmandu in March 2017. In addition, two policy briefs detailing perspectives on the thematic areas identified by the report were also published.