Vol 20, No 3-4, 2024
Reviewing Nepal-India trade treaty

Reviewing Nepal-India trade treaty

Nepal-Bangladesh Trade: Opportunity and Challenges

Nepal-Bangladesh Trade: Opportunity and Challenges

Public Expenditure in Federal Structure: Opportunities and Challenges

Public Expenditure in Federal Structure: Opportunities and Challenges

Sanitary and Phytosanitary Issues in Agriculture Trade

Sanitary and Phytosanitary Issues in Agriculture Trade

12th South Asia Economic Summit (SAES XII)

12th South Asia Economic Summit (SAES XII)

BBIN MVA Interaction Workshop

BBIN MVA Interaction Workshop

Nepal Bangladesh: Trade Arrangements and Connectivity

Nepal Bangladesh: Trade Arrangements and Connectivity

In focus

Validation workshop on exports

South Asia Watch on Trade Economics and Environment (SAWTEE) organized a validation workshop titled “Tapping Nepal’s Export Potential” on 28 January 2025, as part of its ongoing efforts to examine and enhance Nepal’s export potential. The workshop focused on validating the preliminary findings of SAWTEE’s study on the export sector, which explores the constraints to exporting, enabling factors, and growth opportunities for goods and services exports, particularly in the IT and tourism sectors. The analysis of the goods sector is based on a firm-level survey.

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Participation in the 65th Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics

Dr. Paras Kharel, Executive Director, SAWTEE, participated in the 65th Conference of Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) in Bengaluru, India. He was a panelist in a panel on Dynamics of Emerging Labour Markets and Changing Industrial Relations, organized by South Asian Network on Economic Modeling (SANEM) and Institute of Human Development India on 10 Jan 2025. He also chaired a technical session on Service Sector Employment: Structure, Trends and Implications.

Participation in an interaction programme with BIMSTEC Secretary General

Kshitiz Dahal, Senior Research Officer, SAWTEE, participated in the interaction programme between policy think tanks in Kathmandu and the BIMSTEC Secretariat organized by the Policy Research Institute (PRI) on 9 January 2025. He provided his views on strengthening BIMSTEC at the event attended by His Excellency Mr. Indra Mani Pandey, Secretary General of BIMSTEC.

Chandragiri sojourn to strategize

After having successfully organized the 15th South Asia Economic Summit in December 2024, SAWTEE staff and members, along with their families, spent the weekend of 4-5 January 2025 atop Chandragiri hill, some 2,500 metres above sea level on the outskirts of Kathmandu valley, brainstorming on SAWTEE’s strategy until 2030 while enjoying panoramic views of Himalayan ranges and a bird’s-eye view of the valley.

Interaction with Nepal’s ambassador-designate to the UK

SAWTEE organized an interaction programme between Mr. Chandra Ghimire, Nepal’s ambassador-designate to the UK, and SAWTEE’s board members and staff at SAWTEE office on 3 January 2025. On the occasion, SAWTEE felicitated Mr. Ghimire, also a former Commerce Secretary of the Government of Nepal, wished him a successful tenure as Nepal’s envoy to the UK, an important trade and development partner of Nepal, and provided some inputs based on SAWTEE’s research to advance Nepal-UK economic ties. Mr. Ghimire registered his deep appreciation for SAWTEE’s inputs.

Participation in Regional Consultation on Innovative Ideas and Knowledge Sharing

Ms. Neelu Thapa, Treasurer, SAWTEE and Mr. Prajol Joshi, Economist, SAWTEE participated in the Regional Consultation on Innovative Ideas and Knowledge Sharing, held in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 14 December 2024. The event was organized by the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Bangladesh, in collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 

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Fifteenth South Asia Economic Summit (SAES XV) Concludes

The Fifteenth South Asia Economic Summit (SAES XV), organized by SAWTEE, concluded in Kathmandu on December 13, 2024, after three days of discussions held from December 11 to 13. The Summit, themed “Unleashing an Equitable Green Transformation in South Asia,” served as a platform to discuss the region’s most pressing challenges and opportunities for sustainable development.

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Biennial review of Doha Programme of Action

Dr. Paras Kharel, Executive Director, SAWTEE, presented on non-tariff measures facing select least developed (LDCs) countries in the Asia-Pacific region in the context of LDC graduation at the First Asia-Pacific Biennial Review of the Doha Programme of Action for Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2022–2031, organized by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the Royal Government of Cambodia in Phnom Pehn, Cambodia on 4-5 December 2024. Policymakers and experts from the region gathered at the review meeting.

Participation in the 2024 Australasian Aid Conference

Mr. Kshitiz Dahal, Senior Research Officer, participated at the 2024 Australasian Aid Conference at Crawford School of Public Policy, Canberra, organized by Australian National University (co-organized by the Asia Foundation). He made a presentation about "The political economy of debt in South Asia" at the panel discussion held on 4 December. Mr. Dahal talked about the political economy of rising public debt in the region, focusing on Nepal. 

Participation in Eighth South and South-West Asia Subregional Forum on the Sustainable Development

Ms Dikshya Singh, Programme Coordinator of SAWTEE, participated in the Eighth South and South-West Asia Forum on Sustainable Development, co-hosted by the NITI Aayog of the Government of India and ESCAP, in collaboration with the UN Resident Coordinator and the Research and Information System for Developing Countries, India from 12—14 November 2024 in New Delhi, India. The forum offered a unique opportunity for multiple stakeholders to exchange information and reflections on SDG implementation efforts in countries and to draw common priorities and issues across the South and South-West Asia subregion. The outcomes and recommendations from the Forum will feed into regional and global processes, including the abovementioned APFSD and HLPF in the following year. Ms Singh also participated as a panellist at the side event ’Addressing the Digital Divide for Women in South and South-West Asia’ that discussed the key barriers women in South and South-West Asia face in accessing digital technologies and the urgent interventions required to bridge this divide. 

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